Don’t let the changes in your body, cause you to have a lack of body confidence.
We all know that as we get older, that once fast-burning metabolism starts to slow down. Sadly, that’s normal, and it happens to everyone. Another “beautiful” reminder of age is gravity, and with gravity comes softer, less supple skin. Our face is not as plump as it once was. Whether you’re 25 or 75, these changes affect all women.
That doesn’t mean it should affect your confidence.
The number one thing to remember is that every woman is different, but we all share unique qualities, and one of those is our confidence. It is easy to see a little bit of extra weight getting put on or losing our assets and then feel discouraged.
But these changes don’t and shouldn’t define how we feel about ourselves, especially to our core.
What is important is being honest and realistic with ourselves, if we see we are gaining weight in an area where there wasn’t weight before, or just not feeling comfortable in our body. Not sugar-coating reality so we feel better, but also not becoming overly critical when we may be making things worse in our heads.
But, how does this start? First, you need to know yourself and your body. You need to know what size, weight, look, style, and fabric you feel most comfortable having. Once you know that, then you begin to take the rose or black colored lenses off and see yourself for the true beautiful uniqueness you have.
The best way to learn more about your body is to take your body measurements and know what kind of clothes look right for your body type.
Stylecraze gives a great example of this, they recommend using measurement tape, rather than a metal measuring tape. When measuring your breasts, you want to take the tape to the fullest part of your bust, have a central point, then bring it around you, under your arms. The tape should “stick” instead of squeezing your breasts. Then move on to your waist and your hips. It’s important to keep in mind, standing straight and not slouching or sucking in, no matter how bad we want to. It’s great to learn what body shape you have (and don’t let your mind read this with a stigma attached to it), we all have different body shapes and that means we all can learn to rock a style that is perfect for us.
Some body shapes are apple, pear, hourglass, inverted triangle, rectangle, understanding what body shape we have allows us to accentuate our features and create a beautiful silhouette. Thus, building our confidence even more.
Learning to be comfortable in your body and your skin is key to long-lasting happiness. Why? Because nothing can shake you. You become an unbreakable force. Your body confidence comes from you. Your thoughts, emotions, reactions, and perceptions. Think about this, your mind, your thoughts, those are with you from the moment you wake up, all through your day, and even in your dreams. So be your number one cheerleader first, and then everything around you will follow.
If you don’t know where to start, start with the clothes you wear. Fake it till you make it, honey. You may not feel super confident, but choosing confidence every day is what will get you there, and taking time to truly self-reflect. Learn what triggers those emotions of insecurity or low self-esteem and learn to tackle them. Psychology Today talks about how much our subconscious plays a role in our daily life, so what are you telling yourself about your body? Again, if you do not know where to start and not even the clothes you wear will help, then start
According to Psychology Today, these are 7 great ways to start boosting your confidence:
Fix your social media feed, be mindful of what you’re looking at
Pay attention to what your body actually can do rather than what you wish it was doing or looked like
Learn about you. Who are you? Find out
Please Please Please, don’t look at the number on the scale
Your body is your temple, start learning how to take care of it
Always, “dress to impress”, you never know who may be watching
Get comfortable taking pictures of yourself, be it alone or with people
You have two choices, be your own worst enemy, or be your supporter.
Let me tell you something, it’s true, our brains are wired to think negatively and try to "protect" us, like a worried parent. Decide to rewire that thinking- it's possible. Trust me. Baby steps, every day.
Love yourself first.
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